Hie Everyone..!!
morning of January 28, 2014 was full of events. First it marked the day
when our college’s annual function Chakravyuh Tech Fest and Genesis
Cult Fest started. Second, it was the day we had our first Mozilla Boot
by the Firefox Club of our college, the boot camp was filled with FSAs
from various branches in our college. FSA or Firefox Student Ambassador
is the first step in the Mozilla ladder, where students get to know
about Mozilla and its products. The boot camp was presided by Shashank Roy, RMA , Mozilla
Shashank Roy introduced us FSAs to the Mozilla world. He told us about the various products of Mozilla like popcorn maker, where we can edit videos, thimble where we can create websites.
Apart from that he told us about the Firefox OS. Firefox OS is being
used in various smartphones. Next he showed us how to work on thimble and popcorn maker. Finally he told us about the Firefox Parties, where different Mozillians meet and exchange of ideas take place.
As the boot camp reached its end, Shashank Roy started a small quiz
session with the audience. He asked very trivial questions to everyone
and awarded the answers with Firefox Badges and stickers. It was really a
fun filled experience and everyone looked forward to the next Firefox
Rishu Goenka (Rish)
Firefox Student Ambassador
Proud Mozillian